Heavy Periods

Heavy Periods

Heavy menstrual bleeding is scientifically termed “Menorrhagia”. It is the condition when a woman has menstrual bleeding for more than seven days or the bleeding is abnormally heavy. As per health practitioners, the exact amount the blood expelled by a woman in menorrhagia is about 80mL in each cycle. Heavy menstruation is not uncommon among women but it can affect a female’s routine activities. It can lead to other health complications if left untreated.

Sign & symptoms

Heavy periods can be identified by the following parameters:

If you need to change your sanitary pad in 1 to2 hour and for many consecutive hours

  • Large-sized blood clots passing out
  • Changing pads during the night
  • Cramping and fatigue
  • Feeling less energetic to complete your routine tasks
  • Unable to do heavy work

How menorrhagia is diagnosed?

A woman needs to visit a doctor if she experiences a disruption in her routine, severe cramping in the lower abdomen or extreme fatigue. Menorrhagia or heavy bleeding can be diagnosed easily by the female herself or by the doctor by asking some questions.

  • A doctor asks the female about the length of the cycle each month.
  • He asks about the age when you got your first menstruation.
  • He asks about the intensity of the bleeding that how many pads you have to change in a day.
  • He can do an ultrasound of the uterus to see any abnormality.
  • He asks about the bleeding pattern; either it is the same in each cycle or irregular.
  • He can check other health issues like fatigue, anemia, weight gain, and acne issues which are related to normal female hormonal health.
  • A doctor can ask you to get yourself tested for some hormones as heavy bleeding might be due to hormonal imbalance.
  • He takes family history if her mother or other females have this issue.

Causes responsible for heavy periods/Menorrhagia

It has not yet been identified that what is the actual reason behind heavy periods but there are some conditions that might be responsible for heavy bleeding or menorrhagia. These conditions include:

Hormonal imbalance

The endocrine system in our body is responsible to maintain body functions. Any alteration in a hormone may run a series of alterations in other hormones and cause various problems. Changes in hormones produced by the thyroid gland can cause the inner lining of the uterus to thicken thus it will cause more bleeding.

Polycystic Ovary syndrome

PCOS is also a condition, linked with hormonal imbalance. In PCOS, ovaries may not produce a healthy follicle or do not release it, so the production of progesterone is also reduced. It can lead to irregular bleeding or heavy menstruation for many days.

Uterus fibroids

These are the non-cancerous tumors that grow inside the uterus inner wall. They are not dangerous as they are benign tumors but they can be responsible for heavy periods.


In this condition, tissues of the inner lining of the uterus grow outside the uterus to the fallopian tubes. They may swell before shedding, thus causes pain and heavy bleeding during periods. Endometriosis may prolong or reduce the length of the cycle and increases blood flow.

In this condition, the tissue lining of the uterus grows inside the uterus wall. As much it grows; keeps on thicken the inner wall. Heavy build-up then causes heavy blood flow and muscular cramps during menstruation.

Heavy periods may occur due to a change in medication like birth control medicines. Some hormonal medicines taken to cure acne and obesity issues may also lead to suffering from heavy bleeding. A health practitioner can identify the cause by asking about the medicines in use.

Health complications associated with Menorrhagia

Every woman experiences a different situation during menstruation but heavy periods can be a cause behind some other medical conditions.


Anemia is a condition when a person is deficient in healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen to all body tissues. As a female bleed heavily or for many days, excessive blood loss can lead her to be the victim of anemia. The body has to utilize the stored iron for making more red blood cells and iron deficiency can aggravate the condition. Symptoms of anemia include extreme fatigue, weakness, pale color, feeling cold and sick.

Abdominal pain

Females may experience abdominal pain while periods. Conditions like endometriosis and Adenomyosis cause cramps and throbbing pain in the lower abdomen. These cramps can range from mild to severe, varying in intensity for each woman.

When to visit a doctor?

Though heavy periods are common among females the effects they cause on health can interfere with daily life activities. If you feel any change in your energy during menstruation that stops you to perform your work or feel tired and weak, then do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Health complications like PCOS, endometriosis, Adenomyosis, and other hormonal abnormalities are now treated to avoid their poor consequences upon health. Moreover, if anemia is diagnosed, it is also necessary to treat it otherwise it can worsen the condition.

Herbal Treatment for Menorrhagia/Heavy periods

Herbal treatments are popular to treat male and female reproductive issues for centuries. Especially female health issues related to reproductive organs are commonly treated with herbal medicines as they do not pose any kind of side effects. A heavy period is a common issue faced by 1/3rd of females and it is possible to treat the root causes with herbal medicines.

Herbo Natural has eased the life of many females by providing organic herbal medicines to cure various issues. The root causes behind heavy periods like endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, and PCOS are well treated by their recommended herbal medicines.

Vitex Capsules

If you are facing the issue of heavy periods then use Vitex capsules for 3 to 4 months, for better results use it with maca root. But if you are also suffering from leucorrhoea along with heavy periods then use Vitex capsules along with Ashwagandha capsules and Spearmint tea for 3 to 4 months, continue taking medicine during periods too. This treatment can change your life.

Mensolen syrup

Mensolen syrup is also a good treatment if you are suffering from low or heavy bleeding, inflammation, and many other issues.

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