Sperm Count

Sperm Count

Sperm count

Sperm is a male gamete or male reproductive cell whose function is to fertilize the female reproductive cell called “egg”. It has an oval-shaped head that stores DNA and a long tail or flagella to assist in movement. Sperm is the basic component of the thick white discharge that a man ejaculates during sexual intercourse. It is called “semen”, along with sperms it also includes nourishing fluid which protects them. Sperms are free to move in that fluid to reach the female egg. Sperm count is the term used to represent the approximate number of sperms in a single ejaculation. Sperm count is very important to be observed while discussing male infertility issues.

What is the normal sperm count?

A healthy sperm count considered is about 15 million to 200 million or more than this per milliliter of semen. Below this range of sperms, the count is considered low. Although, only one sperm is required to fertilize a female egg but all the sperm do not have this potential, so a healthy sperm count is essential. Along with the count, they should b healthy enough to serve the purpose.

What happens if the sperm count is low?

If the sperm count is low, the male will not be able to fertilize the female egg naturally. Semen analysis is the first thing to be evaluated when comes to infertility treatments. Lifestyle choices like smoking, alcoholism, and other poor habits affect a person’s ability to produce a healthy amount of sperm. There are some other problems also like hormonal issues, chromosomal abnormalities, etc which reduce the production of sperms.

Signs of low sperm count

There are some signs which might be associated with low sperm count in males.

  • There may be pain or swelling in the testicles.
  • Pre mature ejaculation
  • Low sexual drive
  • Erectile dysfunction

How low sperm count can be diagnosed?

Low sperm count can be diagnosed by the semen analysis. When a person reports to a doctor, he may ask several questions like

  • Hereditary conditions
  • Long term use of medicines
  • Surgery in the pelvis area
  • Life style
  • Sexual habits

He may recommend some tests to diagnose the possible cause.

  • Semen analysis

Generally thin liquid discharge while sexual intercourse is considered as low sperm count. It is confirmed by evaluating semen. The sample is collected in the collection cup and the number of sperms is checked per milliliter of the semen.

  • Hormonal testing

The doctor may recommend some blood tests to check the level of hormones. These hormones are essential for sperm production.

  • Anti sperm antibody tests

Anti-sperm anti-bodies are the immune cells that attack sperms and kill them. A doctor may recommend a test to check the presence of anti-sperm antibodies which may be the factor behind low sperm count.

  • Scrotal ultrasound

This is an imaging technique in which sound waves are inserted into the testicles to check for sperm-producing structures. If there is any problem, it is further evaluated before starting treatment.

How to increase sperm count?

It is possible to increase sperm count but it depends upon the underlying cause that how the treatment will be carried out.

  • Medical procedures

If the cause behind low sperm count is related to testicular problems or vessel blockage or the side effect of medicines, then it is treated medically in different ways. Surgery may be performed to remove blockage or medicines are given to balance hormones. Some supplements are given to boost the production of sperms.

  • Diet improvement

Sperm production can be enhanced by improving dietary habits. Some foods have the potential to increase sperm production. Antioxidant-rich foods have a good impact on increasing sperm count. These food items include

  • Banana
  • Egg
  • Spinach
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin seeds

and many others like these.

  • Lifestyle modification

Several studies have been conducted to find out the link between healthy sperm count and lifestyle conditions. It has been reported that eating healthy food, doing exercise regularly, and reducing the weight significantly enhances the production of sperms. Smoking, alcohol drinking, and using certain medicines for long periods of time pose poor effects on reproductive health. Lifestyle modification is an important factor for improving sperm count.

Herbal medicines to increase sperm count

Herbal medicines are used worldwide to cure low sperm count problems in males. Even now the scientists are proving the benefits of these herbs with no side effects which are in use for hundreds of years in ayurvedic medicine. Not only in the Asian subcontinent, now people living in the west, are also focusing on natural herbal medicines to enhance sperm count. Herbs like ashwagandha, ginseng, Shilajit, maca root, and musali are widely used as herbal supplements to boost sperm production.

Herbo Natural has many supplements for this issue and others too. Sperm Count – Super pack is an excellent combination for all the issues related to sperm count, sperm morphology, and puss cells. However, Fertilex and Ginseng can also be used in combination. Continue these herbal medicines for 3 to 4 months for the best experience.

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